The camera was introduced in 1981 but I am sure when mine was made. I don't exactly remember who I got my Minolta X700 from, it came as part of one of the groups of cameras I received a few years ago. The camera has become one of my favourite cameras to shoot with though.

From the shutter sound to the film advance, everything that goes into shooting this camera is very enjoyable. The X700 has a good weight to it, it is mostly metal and has a heft to it that you know it is there, but I don't find it too heavy to shoot with. All and all it is enjoyable experience shooting with this camera. The camera has nice feeling grip on it and is very comfortable to hold and shoot with.
The camera has a built in meter and seems to work very well considering the age of the camera. The camera has Aperture (depending on the lens), Shutter and Program modes of shooting. I have shot the camera in Aperture and full Manual modes but haven't tried the Program mode yet. The camera doesn't have "autofocus" and is totally manual focus. It is a challenge since I am used to autofocus with my Canon T5 and rarely use manual focus but I really like focusing with the camera and lens combination I have been using.
I especially enjoy shooting the camera with the lens I have on it. The lens I have been using is a Minolta 28mm MD 1:2 prime lens. I usually shoot it with an aperture between f8-f16 since I have been using it for street photography. The lens is a nice size, not too big, but also not too small, a good sized prime lens. I am pleased so far with the results I have gotten with this body/lens combination.
I am currently shooting my second roll of film on this camera (maybe a little too soon to do a review but since it about more about the experience than technical..). The first roll which I have gotten developed was Kodak Ultramax 400. I am currently shooting Illford HP5. The day I shot the Ultramax was a overcast day in October so the colours may not be a dynamic as I would have liked but I was happy with the outcome of the camera.

(I do admit to a little digital editing of these shots)
We had stopped at a look out and a scarecrow festival (on our way back from dropping off three rolls of film to be developed. I would have liked a nicer, brighter day but all and all I am happy with the shots, the colours and sharpness are nice.
All and all I love the Minolta X700 and the Minolta 28mm MD lens. I will post more reviews and updates about the camera as shoot more rolls of film on it.
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